Reasons to Consider Dental Sleep Apnea Therapy

Wanting some information on sleep apnea so you can understand a little bit more about this sleeping disorder? Good idea. If you are someone who is currently struggling to get a good night’s sleep because you are living with sleep apnea, then finding out all of the therapy options available to you is definitely going to be worth your while. Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that causes someone to stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night. These episodes can last for just a couple of seconds or for a minute or more, which is something that most people with sleep apnea do not like to think about. These episodes can also occur hundreds of times during the night, making it essential for those who have sleep apnea to find a solution as soon as possible. The National Sleep Foundation states that there are an estimated 18 million people living in the United States who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

Reasons to consider dental sleep apnea therapy

The following are some of the more common reasons why anyone who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea should look into their dental sleep apnea therapy options.

#1 – Because a dentist is already familiar with all things mouth-related

Many dentists are specifically trained in treating patients who have a sleeping disorder, and because they are already familiar with everything related to the mouth, they are able to offer their patients the solutions that will work ideally for their particular type of sleep apnea.

#2 – Because a dentist offers comfortable solutions that are highly effective

A dentist who is trained in treating patients with sleep apnea understands how to recommend the ideal type of sleep apnea treatment for their patients, which involves using various types of oral appliances to minimize or eliminate their sleep apnea problems.

#3 – Because a dentist offers noninvasive sleep apnea therapy options

More and more people are looking into their noninvasive and non-surgical options when diagnosed with certain disorders, including sleep apnea. Many people living with sleep apnea can avoid surgery by seeing a dentist first, who can provide their patients with one of many oral appliances specifically used for treating this disorder, like a CPAP machine.

Are you currently in need of dental sleep apnea therapy?

If you are someone who is currently in need of sleep apnea therapy from a dentist, then we invite you to call us right now so we can schedule an appointment for you. The sooner you seek treatment for your sleep apnea, the sooner you can be on your way to a better night’s rest. If you have a question that is in need of an answer, then simply give us a call so we can provide you with the answer you need. The more informed you are about this serious sleeping disorder, the better able you will be when it comes to making any necessary decisions about sleep apnea and your health. We are here for you if you need us!

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles Dental Care at (650) 563-1180 for an appointment in our Mountain View office.

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