Invisalign® Braces Can Straighten Your Teeth Discretely

As dental appliance technology is constantly progressing for the better, a lot of people are now considering Invisalign as an option for straightening their teeth. While it has been around for a while, not many people have chosen to consider using these clear dental aligners until recently. This might because traditional braces have been around for much longer or because Invisalign may be unknown.

There are a few different types of aligners that exist for straightening the teeth but opting for Invisalign has become more popular because of the benefits that come along with it. Today, we will discuss how Invisalign can straighten one’s teeth - and discreetly! Read more below.


Clear and discreet

These clear aligners allow for a person to straighten their teeth without having to wear heavy metal brackets and wires on their teeth. More people are considering Invisalign because the straightening process can make someone self-conscious. With the use of Invisalign, nobody can even tell that someone is wearing the aligner - thus making it a discreet method of treatment.

Being able to wear something to straighten the teeth that nobody else can see will greatly help increase the likelihood that one will want to have the treatment done. A lot of people are against having braces because of how obnoxious they can look but with Invisalign, there is nothing obnoxious about it at all. These clear aligners allow for treatment to be done and nobody ever has to know. What could be better than that?!

The straightening process

Another added benefit that comes with along with Invisalign is that the straightening process is more efficient and often done more quickly than that of traditional braces. Because Invisalign is one whole appliance, all of the teeth shift together. Traditional braces allow for each individual bracket to work one tooth at a time, thus causing a shift over time. Invisalign is more appealing because it allows for the teeth to shift as a whole rather than individually.

Because the teeth can shift together with Invisalign, the process of straightening is usually achieved quicker than that of traditional braces. Some people may not have to wear Invisalign for as long because their teeth may achieve straightness sooner since all of the teeth are moving together.

Invisalign allows people to straighten their teeth with little to no change in their appearance. Because they are clear, almost nobody is able to tell that you’re even wearing aligners, to begin with. While Invisalign is seemingly easy to wear, it is ultimately up to the patient to determine how long their treatment will last. Wearing Invisalign at all times is necessary for it to be effective.


If you have questions about Invisalign and how you can wear them without anyone ever knowing then reach out to our office today. We have trained professionals who can help answer any questions that you might have. Give us a call or stop in today!

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles Dental Care at (650) 563-1180 for an appointment in our Mountain View office.

Check out what others are saying about our Invisalign® services on Yelp: Invisalign.

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